Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Blue Cheese Salmon Salad

Happy New Year you'll!! So like every year we start with a resolution of loosing some pounds likewise this year... let's see how long we can follow it, have to loose some holiday weight...My inlaws family visited us for the holidays... it was so much fun and scrumptious food..:D 

Decided to make something light but delicious.. hope you'll will like it. It's a super easy recipe and ready in minutes..:D


Salmon (I eyeballed it good enough for 2-4 ppl)
Black pepper
Salt to taste
1 tsp Garlic & Ginger paste each
Dried Oregano
Blue Cheese Dressing (I used low calorie greek yogurt based dressing, you can use the real one if you like)

Vegetables as many as you want and whatever kind you want
I used small portions of:
Bell pepper (Red, yellow & green)
Green chili
Green onion/ spring onion
Mint leaves


Start with Heating a grill Pan with few drops of olive oil and placing Salmon with Ginger garlic paste, black pepper, salt, dried oregano...
while it's cooking start breaking it into pieces...

Side by side chop all of the veggies and place them in a salad bowl/ container

Once the salmon is cooked and the veggies are chopped mix everything together add a bit more salt to the vegetables...

Add the Blue cheese dressing.. I added 2 tbsp because we are not much into dressings but you can use it to your desire...:D

This is the dressing I used...delicious without guilt ;)

 Mix it all well and wallah it's ready...:D

 I served it with the side of Rosemary potato fries and some sweet potato fries (Baked)

Make sure you guys try it..makes a yummy left over sandwich..:D