Pizza Dough

It's not that hard to make a pizza dough as everyone thinks... If you really expect the pizza to be fresh and delicious try it some time...;) I'm sure you'll never go back to the ready made doughs...:)

All You Need:

3 Cups All purpose flour
1 packet Active dry yeast
Salt a pinch
1 tsp Honey
3 cups water
Olive oil


In a bowl add 1/2 cup warm water with active dry yeast and 1 tsp honey mix it well and let it rest for 10-15 min

In another bowl a big one ;) add 1 cup warm water with 1 cup flour, a pinch of salt and yeast mixture and stir it... again add 1 cup flour and stir it to make it into a dough (add another cup of flour and water) use olive oil if the dough is sticky..

The dough should be firm and little sticky but it'll be really smooth..:)

Now cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place it in a warm place for 40 min to an hr

I preheated my oven to 150 degrees and the switched it off then kept the covered pizza in there...:)

You'll see the dough will be double the size it was...

Poke it with you're finger to release all the gas...

Bring it out from the bowl add some flour, Simple break it into 4 small pieces add some extra flour, knead it well, the dough will be smooth...:D

Place it on a tray...

Cover it with a damp cloth and keep it in a warm place for another 20 min...:D

After 20 min the dough will rise again..:) 

These 4 little doughs will make four 8" pizzas..:D

You're dough is ready...:) add you're favorite toppings and enjoii...:D

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