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Honey Benefits
Everyone knows that honey is real good substitute for sugar and also a healthier version. 
I'm a big fan of honey just love the taste..
My dad used to get so much Fresh honey at home that we actually used to put it in everything... trust me in Everything (even in food like chicken lol).Well, obviously that used to be his experiments which sometimes were really amazing. So, now lemme tell you some more remarkable qualities of honey...

  • Honey mixed with fresh Carrot Juice (which i know is not that delicious) taken 1 hour before the meal in the morning is good for your beautiful eyes...:)

  • Combination of cinnamon powder with honey is good for Gas. 
  • Also mix these two ingredients in hot water and drink it twice a day (mrng empty stomach and before going to bed) helps cut down all the extra fat....

  • 1 tsp of Anise powder mixed with an equal amount of honey acts as a heart tonic

  • 1 tsp garlic juice mixed with 2 tsp of honey, if taken twice a day (morning and evening) before meals, lowers Blood Pressure...

  • 1/2 gram Black pepper powder mixed with ginger juice and honey is good for Asthma Patients...

  • A glass full of Warm water with 1 tsp lemon juice and 2 tsp honey helps purify blood and also reduce fat.
  • Fresh lemon juice and Raw honey also helps protect against Cold and Cough.

  • Just simply take 1 tsp honey everyday and say goodbye to all the allergies.
  • Kids gets more energy with honey.. so just grab 2 bread slices make chicken, butter honey Sandwich


Everybody knows Pumpkins, remember Halloween night...?? I was watching a show today it was "The Chew" and at this time of month (Halloween), farmers have a competition, who grows the largest and heaviest Pumpkins.. Cool right?? Anyways, pumpkins are not just for Halloween nights for decoration but also has health benefits i.e. they are really Fibrous and boosts Immunity.

This Juicy red fruit, one of my favorites, is not just tasty but if you make a fresh Pomegranate juice, it'll be full of antioxidants which helps protect the Cells in your body. Also, it's healthy for people who have High blood Pressure, it'll help lowering it.

Almost everyone knows, turmeric can heal any scratch or wound. Also is really delicious when you mix it with a cup of hot milk and sugar.So lemme tell you some more quality it has, Turmeric is said to have anti-inflammatory properties and can fight against cancer. So, start using more turmeric now in the form of food..:P

Plums, hmmm...what to say about them, just love them if they are fresh
but don't worry if they are not they are still beneficial...what I meant is they are full of anti-oxidants, which helps protect your body from any damages...

All green and leafy vegetables are healthy, everybody knows that...but this green leafy veggie is full of Carotenoids that actually protects the eyes against the effects of aging...I didn't know it either...It's my Mom who tells me all this stuff..:D 

Steam, grill, fry or do anything with a fish, if properly marinaded you won't even smell it and you'll be surprised when you eat them just out of the world...:P This fish is not only heavy on Omega-3 (which almost all fishes are with Proteins as well) but full of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Vitamin-B... So, if you eat fish try this one as well...

Who doesn't love Blueberries...they are so tiny and juicy...ahhh feel like eating them right away, well I believe big things come in tiny Packages and so does these tiny winy berries, which sharpens your memory and improves mental health.

Goji berries, Never heard of them right..?? Neither have have I, but my Mom just finds healthy things for me..:D Well, these berries are used to protect your Liver and also improve Immunity, Longevity and Fertility. Hmmm... Interesting..:D

My Mom loves raw guavas and why not they are healthy and delicious..:) Those of you who don't know Guavas are great for Digestive System as well as helps in controlling high Blood Pressure. with lowering the Risk of Cancer

Cinnamon is really good if mixed with hot water for burning those extra calories you have...Also, it helps control Blood Pressure and lowering Cholesterol.

I'm not a great fan of Cabbages but they are loaded with a chemical called “Sulforaphane” which exhibits Anti-cancer and antimicrobial properties i.e it helps fight against Cancer...

Beetroots are really healthy, you might know it..Personally, don't like them either...but they are a good source of "Folate"   a chemical  full of Vitamin-B which is essential for the Cell growth and reproduction. Also, is a natural way to Combat Cancer.

*These information has been passed onto me by my Mother, I'm really lucky to have her..:D


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