Monday, September 23, 2013

Egg Fry Sandwich

A really quick and amazing breakfast recipe. I saw it online few days ago and had to try...;) Hope you all like it..:D


2 Bread slices (any bread you like)
1 Egg
Salt to taste
1/2 chopped green chili
1 tsp finely chopped cilantro
2 tsp Mozzarella cheese
1 tsp cottage cheese/ any dressing (I used ranch it worked)


In a bowl mix mozzarella cheese, Ranch, green chili, cilantro and pinch of salt...
Mix this and keep it aside...

Take 2 slices of bread and make a circle in the center....

You can either use a knife or a small bowl to cut a perfect shape...:D

Spread butter on one side of each bread...

Something like this...

Spread the cheese mixture on the other side and close the bread, so that it looks like a sandwich... Butter on the outer sides and cheese filling inside...:D

Place it on a non stick pan (no oil)

Break an egg in the hole and let it cook on simmer heat....

Also add some salt on the egg...

Turn the bread after cooking it for a while on simmer.. you'll see egg is cooked and the bread is crispy... Let the other side cook for a little while too until the egg is totaly cooked from the inside...:D

Once done it's ready to plate...:D

I cut it into half to check if the egg's cooked from the inside..:D

Cooked and deliciously crunchy...:D


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