Monday, September 30, 2013

Cream Chicken

I used the cornish hen for this recipe but you may use whatever chicken you like...:D


Pieces of Chicken
2 tbsp sour Cream
1 cup plain Yogurt
Salt & Pepper to taste
2 tsp Oil


Heat oil in a pan and add chicken... 

Let the chicken cook well...

Stir in the sour cream...

Cover the lid for 5 min...:D

Remove the lid sprinkle pepper...

All you need to do now is to let it dry a little...(about 1-2 min)

Add Yogurt and let it come to a boil then add in the salt...

Now let it dry completely...
Its a dry chicken not with gravy

Make sure you scratch the bottom as it'll start sticking to the bottom..

Once it's dry it's ready to be served...:D

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Schezwan Chicken

To make this chicken we need to make schezwan Sauce first so I'll be including that in this recipe...


2 tbsp each Ginger and garlic paste/chopped
2 tbsp Celery
2 large tbsp Red chili paste
1 tbsp Green chili chopped
1 tbsp chili sauce
1/2 sugar
Salt & Pepper to taste
Chili oil (optional)
2 tsp oil


2-3 chicken breast (bite size pieces)
Lots of veggies (anything or everything you want)
ex: Broccoli, carrots, onions, bell peppers,mushrooms etc
2 tbsp each Ginger and Garlic paste/ chopped
1 chopped green chili
2 tsp oil


Heat oil in a pan and add ginger and garlic, saute for few seconds...
Then add celery and green chili 

Add chili paste, red chili sauce with salt, pepper, sugar..

It's a thick sauce so add in water about 1/2 cup

It's a ver spicy sauce so please use it accordingly..:D

Now for the Chicken:

Heat oil in the pan, cook chicken until cooked properly...

Instead of taking the chicken out on another plate put it aside in the wok and add in ginger, garlic, green chili...:D

Start adding the veggies now...:D

More the veggies more colorful it looks..:D

Mix well and add chicken stock/ water (1/2 cup)

 Once it comes to a boil add in the schezwan sauce we made.. (3-4 Tbsp depending on how hot you want)

Mix well and let it boil... If you don't need too much gravy let the water dry (upto you how much gravy you want) because the sauce is already cooked we don't have to cook it for too long...

Ready to be Served..:D

Monday, September 23, 2013

Egg Fry Sandwich

A really quick and amazing breakfast recipe. I saw it online few days ago and had to try...;) Hope you all like it..:D


2 Bread slices (any bread you like)
1 Egg
Salt to taste
1/2 chopped green chili
1 tsp finely chopped cilantro
2 tsp Mozzarella cheese
1 tsp cottage cheese/ any dressing (I used ranch it worked)


In a bowl mix mozzarella cheese, Ranch, green chili, cilantro and pinch of salt...
Mix this and keep it aside...

Take 2 slices of bread and make a circle in the center....

You can either use a knife or a small bowl to cut a perfect shape...:D

Spread butter on one side of each bread...

Something like this...

Spread the cheese mixture on the other side and close the bread, so that it looks like a sandwich... Butter on the outer sides and cheese filling inside...:D

Place it on a non stick pan (no oil)

Break an egg in the hole and let it cook on simmer heat....

Also add some salt on the egg...

Turn the bread after cooking it for a while on simmer.. you'll see egg is cooked and the bread is crispy... Let the other side cook for a little while too until the egg is totaly cooked from the inside...:D

Once done it's ready to plate...:D

I cut it into half to check if the egg's cooked from the inside..:D

Cooked and deliciously crunchy...:D


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Naan Khatai


1/2 cup butter (salted / unsalted)
1 cup Powdered Sugar
2 Pinches of cardamon powder
2 pinches of nutmeg powder
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp Milk (optional)
Almonds or any nuts you want 


Take room temperature butter in a bowl and mix it with sugar...

Mix well to form a creamy thingy...:D

Stir in cardamon and nutmeg powder..

In another bowl add flour and baking powder, mix well...

Now mix the flour with creamy batter in batches...

Stir in some flour little by little and mix it well...

1's its mixed add milk (only if you cannot form a dough)

Form a nice dough cover it with cellophane paper and keep it aside for 20 mins...

The dough will be really soft form small round shaped balls...
keep them at a distance..:D

Add almonds/ nuts on top..:D

Preheat oven to 300 degree fahrenheit and bake the cookies for 20-25 min depending on your oven...:D
Don't let the cookies get brown, cool them before serving...