Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Chickpea Parsley Salad with Orange Lime dressing

Salad Week Day 2
I loved the combination of orange lime dressing with Parsley... I hope you will too..
Protein used: Chickpeas


Juice from 2 Medium oranges (preferably cuties)
Juice from 1 lime
Black pepper n salt to taste
1 garlic clove minced
2 tbsp Chili paste/sirarcha
1 tbsp Honey
1 tsp vinegar


Boiled chickpeas (2 cups)
1 bunch of Parsley leaves (flat)
1/2 bunch cilantro leaves
2 Medium tomatoes chopped
1/2 Cucumber
Bell peppers chopped
1 celery stalk
Some broccoli florets
Your choice of cheese (optional)


Nothing fancy here, Just mix all the salad ingredients in a salad bowl...

And all the dressing ingredients in another bowl...

Mix them as required...:D

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