Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Malai Kabab

All You Need:

2 chicken breasts cut into 5 inch pieces
1 tsp paste Ginger
1 tsp Paste Garlic
Coriander leaves
2 large Green chilies
2 tsp Dry Mint
2 tsp Cream
Olive oil


Grind Ginger, Garlic, Coriander leaves, Green Chili, Mint leaves (I used dry mint) to make a paste...

Take the chicken in a bowl, add the paste...

Add Cream...

Season it with salt and mix it well and let it marinate for 2 hrs at least..

If you have skewer then arrange the chicken on it (I used chop sticks lol :P)

Place it on a baking sheet...(make sure to spread the Marinade on the baking sheet before placing the sticks)

Spread olive oil all over the chicken before placing it in the oven...

Bake it at 350 degrees for 20-25 min...

Remember to turn it after 10 min and then put it back in...Squeeze a lemon on top and njoiii...:D

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