Monday, December 3, 2012

Pao Bhaji

One of the most popular street food in India...It delicious and filling So, I've sorted it as a breakfast item ;)


6 Boiled Potatoes
1 1/2 large Onion
2 carrots
1 chopped green bell pepper
3 Tomatoes
1/2 cup tomato puree
Any other veggies you want the more the better ( Cauliflower, beans, pees etc)
4 cups water
5 tsp Pao Bhaji Masala (available at Indian Store)
Freshly chopped coriander leaves
2 Green chilies
Salt to taste
1 1/2 tsp Red chili powder
2 tsp Butter/ ghee


In a pan add Butter/ghee (whatever you prefer), sauté onions, cook until brown and then add carrots in the pan and add tomatoes to a side... (you can add more veggies in this step)

When tomatoes are soggy, mash them, also add tomato puree and mix them well... 

Side by side peel the boiled potatoes and mash them...

Add them to the veggies mixture...

Now add Salt red chili powder, turmeric powder and pao bhaji masala...

 I also added coriander leaves and green chilies in this step but you can wait till the end...

 Add water (3-4 cups) I also added 1 chopped green bell pepper so that it remains crunchy..:D

Mash the potatoes really well and let it boil...

The more it boils the better it'll taste..;)

Add butter on the top to garnish and get a really nice flavor...

You can keep boiling it to the consistency that you want (it's generally watery)

Now heat another pan and cut the bun from the center...

Add butter...

Put this bun on the heated pan...

Add little bit more butter..

Reverse and heat...:D 

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