Monday, May 27, 2013

Vegetable Noodles


1 Pack of Boiled Noodles/ spaghetti
green bell pepper
spring onions
(You can use whatever you want)
Salt & Pepper to taste
2 tsp soya sauce
2 tsp vinegar


Heat 2 tsp oil in a pan and saute mushrooms...:D

Add onions and all other veggies you want..:D

Add the boiled noodles...:D

Mix well...

Add salt & pepper, red chili powder if you want, soya sauce and vinegar...:D

Mix everything and it's ready to be served..:D

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cauliflower Manchurian

It's kinda Indo Chinese dish which I wanted so bad so past few days so finally I gathered strength (I don't like frying) and taddaaaa....:D


1/2 Cauliflower's Florets
3 tsp CornFlour/ corn starch
5-6 tsp All purpose flour
oil to fry
Salt to taste

1 tsp each Ginger and Garlic paste
3 tsp Tomato Ketchup
1-2 tsp Chili sauce (depending on how hot u want)
2 tsp hot and sweet sauce/ tamarind sauce
1 tsp soya sauce
1 tsp vinegar
3 stems of Spring onions chopped
4-5 tsp chopped onion
2-3 tsp chopped green bell pepper
Salt & pepper to taste


For the batter, Add cornstarch and all purpose flour with salt...

 Now slowly add room temperature water to mix it into a not too thick and not too thin batter...

Make sure there are no lumps...:D

I always pre-boil the cauliflower just to be sure it's safe to eat..:D Just add some water and florets in a bowl and pop it into the oven for 4-5 min..;)

 Once done add the cauliflower into the batter or dip one at a time in the batter and fry...

Remember to fry it on a medium heat so that it's cooked from the inside too...:D

Fry until Golden brown from both sides..:D

TIP: Take out the cauliflower on a high flame so that it soaks minimum amount of oil...
Keep it aside on a paper towel and prepare the sauce... 


Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan and add ginger garlic paste...

Cook for about 10-20 seconds and add onions, saute until translucent...:D

 Add the Green bell peppers...:D

Cook for about a min and add the sauce...:)

Stir in soya sauce and vinegar

TIP: I added the cauliflower when I was ready to serve my dish that way it remains crispy...:)
Add the cauliflower and mix it well in the sauce..:D

Garnish with Spring onions...:D

And it's ready to be served with Fried Rice or Veggie Noodles..:D

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Broccoli and Cheese Soup

This soup is my first try and it's amazing...I know I say it for everything but trust me this is worth trying...!!

All You Need:

3 tsp Butter
1 chopped onion
2 stems of celery (chopped)
1/3 cup flour
4 cups Milk
2 cups half and half*
Pinch of nutmeg
4 heads broccoli cut into florets
3 cups grated cheese (mild/ sharp cheddar, pepper jack etc..Pick your cheese)
Salt to taste
2 tsp Blackpepper


Heat butter in a pot...

Add Onions and cook until translucent abt 3 min or so...

I also used some celery so jst add it in...

Sprinkle in the flour and cook it for about a min....

 Add the milk and half and half....

Add the nutmeg...:) it just gives a better flavor...

I presoaked the broccoli in hot water for 3 min... 

Toss in the broccoli and add a little salt, cheese might have salt of it's own, plus you can add if you need more, also add loads of black pepper...:D

Simmer and cover it for 20-30 min or until broccoli is tender... 

Add the cheese now..:D Clearly I didn't use 3 cups...;)

Let it melt and mix it well...

Check for seasonings if you wanna add more...;)

Here's the deal if you wanna keep it this way it's ready to be served I choose to blend it which wasn't a good idea lol...;) Next time I won't blend it...;)

Perfect and ready to be served...:D
Njoy it with a bun or any other bread you want..:D

*I was out of half and half so I replaced 1 cup of half and half with 1 tsp melted butter, plus enough milk to equal a cup...;)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Collard Stems

So when you made the Collard Chicken I asked you to keep aside the stems...:D It's really simple and cooks in 10 mins or less... A very healthy breakfast recipe...:D
Here's the recipe for it:

All You Need:

Collard stems chopped finely
A pinch of Salt
2 pinches of Mango Powder (Aamchur) (optional)


Heat a skillet with 1 tsp oil and add the chopped stems....:)

Add Salt (Go less on salt coz the leaves has it's own salt), red chili powder and Mango powder...:D

As it has it's own water so it'll cook by itself it shouldn't take more than 5-7 min for the water to dry...

And it's ready to be served with Hot Chapattis with butter/ghee on top..:D

Amazing..:D Forgot to click the picture with Rot, Sorry couldn't wait lol..:P