Friday, May 17, 2013

Collard Stems

So when you made the Collard Chicken I asked you to keep aside the stems...:D It's really simple and cooks in 10 mins or less... A very healthy breakfast recipe...:D
Here's the recipe for it:

All You Need:

Collard stems chopped finely
A pinch of Salt
2 pinches of Mango Powder (Aamchur) (optional)


Heat a skillet with 1 tsp oil and add the chopped stems....:)

Add Salt (Go less on salt coz the leaves has it's own salt), red chili powder and Mango powder...:D

As it has it's own water so it'll cook by itself it shouldn't take more than 5-7 min for the water to dry...

And it's ready to be served with Hot Chapattis with butter/ghee on top..:D

Amazing..:D Forgot to click the picture with Rot, Sorry couldn't wait lol..:P

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