Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chicken Puff Patties

Do try this recipe coz it's really simple, delicious and a really good appetizer....


Pack of Puff pastries (easily available at Walmart for $4)
1/2 cup chicken chopped into tiny pieces
2 tsp crushed tomato 
2 tsp chopped onion
Salt to taste
2 pinches of Red chili powder
1 tsp each Veggies like green bell pepper, celery, brocoli (optional)


In a pan add 1tsp of oil and onions with chicken... 

When the chicken is cooked simply add the tomato paste, salt, red chili powder, Also add the veggies if you want...

Cook it until no water is left...

Now take Puff Pastry sheet (It's a pack of 2 so I used 1 sheet)
Thaw the sheet by keeping it at room temperature for 40-45 min or until soft...wrap the other one and keep put it in the freezer...
I used this...

Once the sheet is thawed Cut it vertically into 3 pieces (as it was folded), Spread some flour before keeping it on the slab...

Taking 1 piece at a time cut it into 4 parts...(total of 12 sheets)

Roll each piece not to thin using flour (so that it won't stick)

Place the chicken filling onto the bottom side of this sheet... (make sure border is left)

With the help of your finger dab some water onto the borders so that it sticks well and fold it...

Simple right, Make all the other similarly and place it on an oven sheet...

Preheat the oven at 400 degrees and cook the patties for 10-15 or until brown...

Perfect and ready to be served...:D

NOTE: 1 Sheet makes 12 Patties...:D

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