Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Collard Chicken

Now a days I'm trying to make more green and leafy things ao I got Collard Greens (Haak ke patte) Had it after so long and still love it...:D


1 Bundle of Collard Greens
4 Chicken drumsticks
1 sliced onion
2 chopped tomatoes
1 tsp each Ginger & Garlic
1 Chopped Green chili
2 pinches asafetida
Salt to Taste
Red chili powder
Turmeric powder


!st step is to cut the leaves roughly and save the stems (will upload another recipe for it pretty soon) and wash the leaves thoroughly...

Just the Leaves
Save these in an air tight box
In a Pressure cooker heat 2 tsp oil with asafetida and add onions...

Stir them for a while and add the chicken drumsticks with about 2 cups water and salt, Red chili powder, Turmeric powder..
You can stir in the tomatoes with onions before adding water...

Pressure cook until the chicken is almost cooked... (2-3 whistles)
I added the tomatoes after the chicken was almost cooked....

I also added Garlic, ginger and green chilies...

Cut the leaves roughly into big chunks and add it to the rest of it...;)

 Add more water (no measurement, just the amount of soup you want...) 1 more whistle...:D
and Tadaaaa.....:D

Serve with Rice, It's delicious...:D

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