Monday, July 22, 2013

Bharwan Aloo

I made these with the bitter gourd recipe so it wasn't much of a hard work...;)


1 1/2 potatoes (Large)
Salt to taste
2 tsp Red chili powder
2-3 tsp Garam Masala
1 tsp Coriander powder
1 tsp Cumin seeds
olive oil/ mustard oil/ veg oil


Get all the Masala ready in a small bowl before you heat the oil in a pan...
Now heat oil and stir in the Masala..

Cook for 1-2 mins and take it off the gas...

Peel the potatoes and wash them then Cut them into small pieces (I did 4 halves of 1 potato I know you can see jst 3 in the pic...:P)

Now slit each half from the center carefully don't take it all the way to the end jst the center....

With a finger u can check (careful while doing it)

Now on a non stick add 2-3 tsp oil and place the potatoes and fry them from both sides don't wait for them to be cooked jst the golden brown will do..:D

Something like this....

Take the potatoes out on a plate and let them cool down a little so that u can hold them...
Once done, using a knife try to put as much as masala u can inside the potatoes....

It's easy once you start doing it..:D

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Place the filled in potatoes on a baking sheet and put them in for 20 -25 mins

Take them out after it's done and cut it from the center to see if they are cooked...:D
If yes they are ready to be served...:D

Served it with Rice and lentils...:D

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