Saturday, July 13, 2013

Tomato & Chicken Soup

I saw this recipe on youtube it was a mexican style soup with kidney beans and other stuff and I didn't want such heavy soup so I altered it a bit according to my taste...;) Here it goes...:D

This Soup was really Spicy so alter it if you can't take spicy food...


1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 Chicken breast cooked/uncooked
8-10 cups Chicken stock
2 tsp grounded cumin seeds
2 tsp Red chili powder
2 1/2 cup tomato puree
3-4 green chilies
Cilantro for garnish
Salt to taste
2 tsp oil


Heat oil in a pot and add onions and celery...

 Add red chili powder, cumin powder, salt

 MIx well and cook for a minute or so...

Add tomato puree and green chilies and cook...

If you have cooked/ boiled chicken add it and stir it for 3-4 min...
If you have uncooked chicken add it to the pot cook it well, take it out and chop bit pieces and throw it back in the pot...:D

Stir the chicken a little bit for nice flavors...:D

Now's the time to add the Chicken stock...:D

Let it come to a boil...:D

Garnish with  fresh Cilantro

Ready to be served..:D

 I served it with Hawaiin Buns...:D

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