Monday, July 1, 2013

Mango Ice Cream with Custard powder

My 1st try of making custard was a flop so my friend suggested me to use the custard powder for Ice cream...:D It's pretty simple..:D


6 cups Milk
2 cups sugar 
6 tsp custard powder (Mango flavor)
6 tsp cream


Bring the milk to boil keeping aside 9 tsp of it in another bowl

Mix the custard powder in room temperature milk (the 9 tsp kept aside)

Mix it well and add it to the milk after it boils...:D Stir it for 2-3 min, add sugar and turn off the heat...

Let the mixture cool down and then add 6 tsp cream

Whip it in a grinder for 1 min and pour the mixture in a bowl 

Keep this mixture in the freezer for an hour and again whip it for 2-3 min so that it doesn't form ice and the texture will be more creamy...:D

After this just freeze it till it's ready...:D

With some Chocolate Cake...:D

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