Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fresh Tomato Soup

My Favorite...:D

All You Need:

10-12 tomatoes
1 1/2 tsp butter
1 bay leaf
3 garlic cloves chopped
1 sliced Onion
Celery chopped
1 carrot chopped
Black pepper
Salt to taste



Heat butter in a pan and add bay leaf and garlic, Don't cook it for too long and add onions saute them for a while...
Add celery and carrots saute them...

Cut the tomatoes into big pieces, add them to the pan, mix them well....

Add water about 4 cups..

Add Salt to taste and 1 tsp pepper...
Cover them and let it boil or till tomatoes are soggy, Strain the water in a bowl (we would need it so plz don't throw it) :P

Let this tomato mixture cool down and then grind them in a grinder...

Once again pour this mixture in the same pan on a medium heat, add the strained water as well... let it boil...

Again add a little bit of salt, pepper and sugar (kill the sourness of the tomatoes you can add extra sugar depending on your taste)

Cook it well, the mixture is not consistent so again strain it and you're soup is ready...

Make sure you wipe up all the pulp from the bottom of the strainer that's the main thing in the soup...:)

If you think the soup is not thick enough boil it...else serve it ...

Don't forget to add croutons and fresh chopped Cilantro leaves...:)

For reference I got this recipe from:

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