Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Homemade Pizza

All You Need:

Pizza dough (For Recipe: http://asthasrecipes.blogspot.com/p/pizza-dough.html )
Parmesan cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
Tomato puree
Crushed garlic
Basil leaves
Salt & Pepper
Roundly sliced Tomatoes
sliced onions


Take the pizza dough (this is the fresh dough I made) and brush it up with oil...

Add tomato puree (if you have pizza sauce you can use it)

As  I used tomato sauce so I added crushed garlic and chopped basil leaves...

Add Corn meal flour to the baking sheet...

Place the pizza on the top of the baking sheet and sprinkle some cheese (preferably mozzarella)

Add all the veggies you want...:)

If you don't want chicken skip this step else add chicken and add Cheese Mozzarella and parmesan...

Sprinkle salt, pepper and oil...

Bake it at 350 degree for 7 min on the bottom of the oven rack and then for 7 min on the top of the oven rack....:)

You're fresh Pizza is ready...:D Garnish with Oregano and chili flakes..:) (Mind the funny pizza shapes I made :P) Njoiii..:D

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