Friday, November 9, 2012

Garlic Herb Roasted Chicken

All You Need:

2 Chicken Breasts (boneless)
4 tsp Chopped onions
2 chopped celery
5 Minced garlic cloves
2 tsp Olive oil
1 tsp tomato puree


1 tsp chopped Thyme
1 tsp  Fennel
1 tsp chopped Parsley
1 tsp Sage
1/2 tsp red chili powder
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp Pepper



Oil a baking dish, add onions and garlic to it... Mix it well with the oil (Wash your hands before starting)

Take the chicken breasts, clean it well, rinse it and pat dry. Place the chicken in the baking dish (pierce some holes in the chicken with a fork or knife) with garlic & onion mixture...Nicely mix them all together...

Now add the spices on the top and mix it well...:) also add tomato puree (so that everything sticks together)

Mix all the ingredients and Marinate for atleast 2 hrs... 

Bake the Chicken at 450 degrees for 1 hr... Check it after 30 mins, if it's soft and tender (poke it with a knife) it's ready to serve...:) 

I enjoyed it with homemade Garlic bread...:)

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