Saturday, November 24, 2012

Kadhai Paneer

Most amazing Kadhai Paneer...:D

All You Need:

Paneer (I had my homemade paneer)
1/2 Sliced/chopped Onion
6-7 tsp Tomato puree
1 sliced green bell pepper
1 tsp garlic paste
1 tsp ginger paste
Cumin seeds
1 chopped green chili
Salt to taste
red chili powder


Heat 2 tsp oil in a pan and add the paneer slices to it, cook until they are a little brown...:D Once done remove them from the pan and keep them aside...

In the same pan again heat 2 tsp oil, add cumin seeds and onions cook until brown...

Add green bell peppers and cook them for a little while...

You can add ginger garlic paste in the beginning with cumin seeds or as I did right now upto you...:)

Add the tomato puree and let the tomatoes cook...:)

Mix it well and add salt and red chili powder, also add green chilies...

Now add the Paneer to the masala...

Cook them for 2-3 min with  a lid, mix them well and they are ready to be served...:) 

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