Saturday, November 10, 2012

Red Wine Chicken

When cooking wine the alcohol evaporates and only wine flavor remains...:D So don't worry if you don't drink..;) you can still taste it..:D

All You Need:

2 chicken breasts cut into 4
1 Sliced onion
2 cloves chopped garlic
1/2 cup Sliced Mushrooms
2 tsp Olive oil
Salt & Pepper
1/2 tsp Red chili powder
1/2 tsp herbs
1/2 tsp cilantro
2 tsp sugar / honey
1 cup Red wine


Heat oil in a pan and saute garlic,onions and mushrooms...:)

Now add the chicken breast to the pan and cook until the color is no longer pink and all the juices run clear...:)

Sprinkle red chili powder, herbs, Salt & Pepper over the chicken and let it soak all the flavors...

Add wine & sugar/honey to the chicken cover it with a lid and cook for a little while about 10-15 mins....

Remove the lid and cook until the sauce is thickened (depending on how thick you want the sauce)
Garnish it with spring onions...:D

NOTE: Do not add sugar if you are using sweet red wine. If you have fresh mint leaves do add it'll give a flavor twist to the chicken which will be amazing..!!

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