Friday, October 12, 2012

Ankur's fav Meatballs & speghetti

For Meatballs

You can always get ready to eat Meatballs but it's always good to add your own flavors..:) So here it 


1 Kg Chicken
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 beaten egg
1/2 cup bread crumbs
2 garlic cloves
Parmesan Cheese
Salt & Pepper

Mix the chicken, Worcestershire sauce,egg,bread crumbs, garlic, salt & pepper. Cook it until its tender and broken into tiny crumbs. Roll the meat into small or medium meatballs. You can either fry them (traditional way) or bake them (healthier way) for 10-20 min at 350 degrees or until no longer pink.

I used the ready to eat Meatballs (available at Sam's club) I love the flavors in this...

1 tsp olive oil
2-3 chopped garlic cloves
Cumin seeds
1 bay leaf
2-3 black and green Cardamom
1 chopped onion large
2-3 cups tomato puree
1 cup water

In a big pot add Olive oil, garlic, cumin seeds, bay leaf, black & green cardamom...let them cook till the oil gets it flavors.

Add onions and fry it till its brown

Add tomato puree with 1 cup water

Also add Salt to taste, red chili powder, oregano, herbs, chives, Italian seasonings. Partially close the lid and let it cook for 1/2 an hr on medium heat.

Remove the lid, add the meatballs and let it cook until the water evaporates from the sauce or the sauce is thickened to your desire...


Place a large pot of water onto boil for spaghetti. When it boils, in another pan cook all the veggies you want (olives,carrots,celery etc)

Cook them well and then add the strained pasta to it with oregano, herbs, salt & pepper, cook for 2-3 min. Garnish it with Fresh Parsley leaves...:)

Enjoy the spaghetti with the scrumptious Meatballs you just made...:D

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