Monday, October 8, 2012

Mom's Recipe: Simple n Yummy Eggs

Eggs (08/10/2012)


1 sliced Onion
2 chopped Tomatoes
4 eggs
Cumin seeds
Salt & Pepper to taste
1/2 tsp Chili powder
Mint leaves
Cilantro leaves
1 tsp olive oil


In a pan heat oil and add cumin seeds. Add onions after few seconds. Cook until golden brown and soft...

Add tomatoes on the other side, cover the pan and let the tomatoes get soggy...

Mash the tomatoes and mix them with the onions. Add salt, pepper & red chili powder, Mix it well and evenly spread this Masala in the pan.
Now,  break the eggs 1 at a time over this Masala (Do Not Scramble the eggs)..

(I had some beaten eggs so I poured them too but it's not necessary instead you can use more eggs)

Sprinkle little salt, red chili powder (optional)

Cover it with a lid and let the eggs cook until the york is all white (you'll see what I'm trying to say here) It should take about 5-10 min on low heat...

Garnish it with dry mint/ fresh mint leaves and cilantro.

Pretty Simple..;) Enjoy them with Bread or Roti..:)


1 comment:

  1. We've cooked this several times and still love it :) Thanks!
