Thursday, October 4, 2012


Lasagna (10/03/2012)


Mozzarella cheese

Lasagna Noodles
You always have the option of buying it off the shelf.
For the dough
1 1/2 cup All purpose flour (Maida)
2 beaten eggs
5-6 tsp Olive oil
Milk (if needed)

Add 1 1/2 cups All purpose flour (Maida) in a bowl. Make a small hole in the center and slowly keep adding beaten eggs and start kneading the dough, add olive oil towards the end and finish the dough (if required add some milk it becomes easy to knead but don't add water)
Refrigerate for 2-3 hrs. Roll out long and thin pasta noodle.

Heat up a pan with 1 tbsp olive oil
Cook mushrooms, broccoli, beans, carrots, celery, or any other veggies you want for 5-7 mins.

Sauce Ingredients

2 tbsp Olive oil
Chopped Garlic (2-3 cloves)
1 Bay leaf
2-3 each black and green cardamom
1 chopped Onion cook
Veggie meat like soya or shammi kabab (optional)
1/2 cup Red wine (optional) (Alcohol evaporates when it's cooked)
3 cups Tomato puree
1 1/2 cup water


Heat up oil in a pot add Bay leaf, black and cardamom, garlic and let it cook for 30-40 secs. Cook chopped onions until brown.
Add the Veggie meat(optional) and add red wine until it comes to a boil. Add tomato puree and water. Cook the sauce for 1-2 hrs on medium flame.


Spay olive oil generously on the baking Dish

Level one spread some sauce
Level two place Lasagna noodle.
Repeat level one
Level three add veggies on top with some Mozzarella.

Level two
Level one
Level Three

Keep repeating until u run out of your cooked ingredients.Top layer should end with the layer of the sauce and then Mozzarella cheese.

Bake it at 375 degrees for 45 min to 1 hr

Check it after 40 min, the cheese will turn brown and bubbly when done...:)
Let it sit for 20 mins before serving!!


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