Saturday, October 27, 2012

Vegetable Strata

Saturdays and Sundays are lazy I generally wake up late and feel like making something which will get me through the day... So here a Brunch recipe for a perfect Saturday morning...:)


8 Eggs
10 slices of bread sliced into cubes (I used whole grain and white bread)
2 cups milk
4 tsp olive oil
Parmesan Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
Grated Parmesan 

boiled & chopped brocolli
2 chopped carrots
2 chopped celery
1 chopped onion
1 chopped tomato / sliced sunrise tomatoes
Freshly chopped  cilantro leaves
3 green chilies

1/2 tsp Thyme
Salt & Pepper to taste
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
1/2 tsp Herbs


In a pan heat 1 tsp oil and add onions, saute until they are brown and then add carrots and celery and cook for about 3-4 min then transfer in another bowl & let them cool for a little while

Oil a baking dish and arrange the bread cubes (save some for the end layer)

Top it up with veggies layer, add tomatoes, broccoli as well....cover it up with the left over bread cubes

Now, in a large bowl beat the eggs, add all the spices (Mentioned above), green chilies, cilantro leaves and milk beat it with a hand mixer till its totally incorporated...

Pour the egg mixture over the bread making sure it spreads evenly...

Top it up with Parmesan, mozzrella cheese and little olive oil..

Cover it up and refrigerate it overnight or atleast 8 hrs... then bake it at 350 degrees for 50 min or an hour or till the top surface is brown...:)

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